Friday, May 15, 2015

One Person at a Time

I completely and utterly love my job and my world and my students and my world. I know teachers rarely say that, much less post that, but I truly, truly do. I love seeing the growth in my students. I love the new phrases and questions and knowledge that I experience each week. I love watching my students move beyond their parents'/previous teachers'/world's expectations and grow in leaps and bounds.

This sounds like a complete, ridiculous love fest, but alas even love fests must end. I worry weekly, even daily, about the state of education and particularly special education. I worry about the amazing teachers I read about who are leaving education in general. I worry that one of the "good guys" who I thought would always be in special ed is leaving. I worry that children like those I teach and love, and like my son, are being taught, for 5 years at a time, by people who don't feel the passion I feel, who don't work the hours I work, and who don't prepare students with special needs to be independent the way I do. What would parents and government do if all students were taught by the same teacher for 5 years? Would they continue to accept mediocre teachers? Would they continue to push amazing teachers out of education? I do not think they would.

I have, totally, gone off topic. After another great week (too close to summer - yes, I really feel that way) my husband and son #4 (the reason for my passion and perspective - if you are just joining us, my fourth son was born with significant disabilities {agenesis of the corpus callosum with significant developmental delays}) went to dinner tonight at one of my favorite (amazing, locally owned and operated #bin303rocks #chefMatandBreean) restaurants, and on the way out the hostess said, "Because of you, I changed my major to occupational therapy". This seriously MADE MY WEEK! I feel I talk constantly about the amazing world I teach and live in and try to convince others to join my world every time I can. When, occasionally, it works and someone decides to change their path to focus on people with special needs, it seriously makes me SO HAPPY GIDDY! So, even though it is May and today was field day (exhausted), I wanted to share my amazing moment with you guys! Keep pushing the passion! #onePersonAtATime #passionAndPerspective

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