Monday, July 7, 2014

Going Live!

If you know me, you know I can't do anything like a normal person without going overboard.  So this week I have built and started this blog, made a Facebook page of the same name and posted my first products on Teachers Pay Teachers!  I am so excited!  When people ask what are you doing this summer, napping was definitely priority, but a close second was start selling on TPT.  For the handful of people who might read this first blog (thank you, friends), here is a picture (since I am not sure most of you know what TPT is)

I feel like a real life, grown up, social media participating teacher! I had to add the "social media participating" part because when I read "real life, grown up teacher" I wondered what exactly I had been doing the last 8 years.  For those of you who have read this far, thank you for your support!  You rock!



  1. I need to get my Facebook page put together and going! I love your banner at the top of the page. How did you put that together?

    You AUT-a Know

    1. I refused to pay for a blog design, since I was formerly a software engineer...however, since my reply buttons do not seem to be working, unless i am on my phone, maybe that is not the way to go...I bought clip art and designed my header as a picture and then embedded it as the title. That part isn't too difficult to do with BlogSpot's general tools. Putting the TPT, FB and BlogLovin links into it was the difficult part.

  2. Welcome to the blogging world!! :) It's so much fun (and way to addicting)!

    Miss, Hey Miss

  3. Nice to find you! Welcome to the club! :)


  4. Congratulations and good luck with TPT and the blogging world! I found you on the Texas Teacher Round-up Link up. I am also a Texas teacher. Good luck and can't wait to see your blog posts.
    Love Teaching Kids

  5. I teach 3rd grade all subjects.
