Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Former To-do List

Summer is coming to an end, so I have looked back on my summer to-do list.  I accomplished those things, but I do not feel particularly accomplished.  So, maybe I need to separate my quick, to-do stuff (pick up laundry, buy milk) and things I need to accomplish.  So, clearly I need to do a better job at My Goals (which is my new, fancy, bold name for my to-do to-accomplish list).  I know that I tend to start a million things before I finish one, so maybe that is why most of my goals are "start this" and "start that".  (I blame to-do list makers as well for only leaving room for 2-4 words per line.)  So, this summer my two major to-dos were to "start a blog" and "start a TPT store".  I can mark off both of those.  AND then when I ignored the blog for weeks I didn't have to feel like a loser unaccomplished.  My third major to-do was to start a diet.  I have researched, purchased and prepared for the diet and plan to will start tomorrow (August 1), but all I have to do is start.  I could quit the next day and still legitimately be able to cross that goal off.  Seeing the problem?

As a Special Ed teacher, I am great at writing realistic, measurable, specific goals and objectives for my students.  I know when they need to accomplish the goal, what that accomplishment will look like, and all the little things that they need to work on to get there.  I am also very good at documenting progress for my student's goals and objectives.

So, I am going to put this knowledge to use for my own needs.  I am going to set goals for myself that are  measurable, specific and have short term objectives with them.  I am also going to track my progress by setting dates (nothing fancy - like the 10th or something (too much going on already for the 1st)) to monitor the progress I have made.  And then, because I am a nerd at heart (former software engineer) I am going to make useful spreadsheets to track this progress.  And then, because I am a teacher I am going to make those spreadsheets pretty and print them in color on cardstock.

So, my first new goal looks like this -

Goal: By August 12th (the day before I go back to school), I will set 3 goals for myself my non-school self that are measurable and specific and include a time period completion date and specific progress tracking checkpoints.

  • Objective 1: By August 12th I will write 3 goals (see specifications above).
  • Objective 2: By August 12th I will create a spreadsheet with these 3 goals and columns of progress monitoring dates of the 10th of each month.
  • Objective 3: By August 12th I will insert the spreadsheet into the Teacher Notebook that I have created for myself this year and print it out.

If you are still reading this, I feel like I owe you, leave me a message with your email and when I get the finish the pretty, functional My Goals page I will send it to you.



  1. Great idea! Never thought about it like this.

  2. Hahaha! You are too funny and so right about special education teachers being so good at writing goals but, never doing it for ourselves!

